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General Information Regarding Daily Advisory

  • Advisory takes place first thing in the morning everyday for 30 minutes.

  • It's imperative to arrive to school on time so that you don't miss any advisory fun!


During advisory.....

  1. Your advisory teacher will take attendance
  2. You will listen to morning announcements so that you learn about what's going on in YOUR school

  3. You will recite the pledge of allegiance and have a moment of quiet reflection

  4. You will get organized for the day (make sure you have your charged chromebook, correct binders, and coursework needed for your classes)

  5. You will check your PowerSchool and CANVAS pages to monitor your grades and assignments

  6. will participate in a daily advisory lesson presented to you by your advisory teacher. Each lesson will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

Advisory Lesson Link


Monday's- are Mindfulness Monday!
  • Students will learn about mindsets, do mindfulness activities and learn strategies and techniques to be more fully present, aware or where you are and what you're doing, and to not overly react or be overwhelmed by what's going on around you.
Tuesday's- are Tech Tuesdays!
  • Students will learn all things technology related to enrich your middle school experience. Students will learn how to navigate PowerSchool, CANVAS, and all the various apps to enhance your learning. Students will also learn how to best use their Chromebooks, email, and online tutoring! Students will also learn digital citizenship and how to use the internet and social media properly.
Wednesday's- are Wellness Wednesdays!
  • Student Wellness Wednesdays aim to contextualize your understanding of emotions and emotional intelligence within your understanding of the real world; personally, at school, in your communities, and in the world at large.
Thursday's- are AVID Thursdays!
  • AVID elective course is one period a day where students receive the additional academic, social, and emotional support that will help them succeed in our school's most rigorous courses.
  • All students al GW will partake in AVID/College and Career advisory lesson on Thursdays. Such lessons are note taking, grade reflection and goal setting, college and career exploration, and much much more!
Friday's- are Prexie Pride Fridays!
  • Student recognition will take place every Friday for students who demonstrated Prexie Pride throughout the week!
  • Community Circles will also take place
  • PBIS activities will also take place!
  • AVID elective course is one period a day where students receive the addition.