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Home Address Verification

Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) is embarking on a division-wide home address verification process in order to to ensure that all students who attend ACPS schools reside within the City of Alexandria. We are starting with current eighth grade students who are rising ninth grade students for the 2024-25 school year. As part of this process, we are notifying each family of current eighth graders to update their residency documentation in order to verify their current home address. 

Definition of Residency

In alignment with the Code of Virginia and interpretations by the Virginia Attorney General, a bona fide residence is one's actual or true residence, maintained in good faith, and is not a temporary or superficial residence established for convenience or for the purpose of free school attendance in Alexandria City Public Schools. Children living in Alexandria “for educational purposes only” are not considered residents of the City of Alexandria. (See ACPS School Board policy JEC-R).

Documentation Requirements

Three documents are required to prove Alexandria City residency. Any one of the following documents:

  • Lease agreement (current document with dates, legal guardian’s signature and address)
  • Deed, with a real-estate property tax receipt in the legal guardian’s name
  • Purchase settlement documents

Additionally, two supporting documents noting parent’s/legal guardian’s name and property address are also accepted:

  • Utility bill (water, gas, electric, cable, and/or landline phone)-within the past 60 days
  • Current personal Alexandria property tax bill/receipt (vehicle, boat, RV, etc.)
  • Mailed letter from a government agency (TANIF, HUD, IRS, etc.)
  • Current pay stub (noting Virginia tax withholding) within the past 60 days
  • Latest federal/state income tax return (cover page only)
  • Two consecutive bank statements (within the past 60 days)
  • Current homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy

Families have two options to provide the required residency documentation to successfully complete this process by June 14, 2024:

  1. Upload your documents using the Home Address Verification Online Form 
  2. You may bring your documents to one of two in-person locations at George Washington Middle School (on Saturday, June 8 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.) or Francis C. Hammond Middle School on (Wednesday, June 12 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.).

Home Address Verification Form

For additional information or questions, please contact the Department of Student Services and Equity via email: or by phone at 703-619-8157.