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The National Junior Honor Society

The National Junior Honor Society is a service organization for students who have displayed scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since their beginnings in 1921 and 1929.

George Washington's chapter has used the above criteria and defines scholarship as students who maintain a 3.50 GPA and above each academic quarter. Students are eligible to apply for NJHS at the end of their 7th-grade year. Once selected, students will participate in service projects throughout their 8th-grade year. Students who have successfully met all requirements of membership will be recognized during their 8th-grade promotion ceremony. For more information about the GWMS chapter of NJHS please read see the bylaws.

Student inductions are held in the fall of eligible students' 8th-grade year, at which time family and significant others are asked to attend this ceremony and celebrate their child's accomplishments.

Students have an opportunity for induction to the National Honor Society at Alexandria City High School. Thank you to our sponsor Emily Coffin for supporting this program for these exceptional students!

NJHS By-Laws (PDF)